Increase Structure & Decrease Anxiety with RoutineFactory App
Often a person with special needs can use some extra help getting through the daily tasks. The RoutineFactory app on phone & tablet can help! Provide clear visual weekly schedules, reminders, digital assistants, and help with controlling emotions.
The app is always available on the clients own device thus being more personal and helping to become more self-sufficient.

How can an app help a person with special needs?
Structure and predictability can help a person with special needs (i.e Autism, ASD, lack of sense of time) by making clear what is happening now and what is going to happen next.
This is where the RoutineFactory app on phone & tablet can help! With clear visual schedules, checklists, repeating alarm signals, and much more.
Start today! Download the app for free and begin creating personalized schedules!

Use the app on a phone & tablet together with
the digital Information boards and online client & caretaker portal.

Easy-to-understand visual schedules & checklists
What should I do now? What is going to happen next? Or a week from now? The app offers structure & peace of mind by answering these questions.
The app does this in a visual and easy to understand way by using graphics, photo's, color coding and video. Complex tasks can be broken up in smaller, easy-to-follow, steps. By offering tasks one-by-one it is easier to focus on the task at hand.
The app is very flexible: the detail level & presentation can be tailored exactly to a specific persons need. This increases the chance for success greatly.
Stay Motivated
Incentivize your client or loved one by assigning rewards to certain tasks and/or goals!
Rewards are easily earned when the goal is complete.
This can greatly help motivate both children and adults!

Easily create your own specific rewards!

Keep track of emotions, help with choices and more
Sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of emotions and know what to do in specific situations, for example when becoming angry.
The app lets you gauge emotions on regular times during the day. You can then use the online portal to look for patterns and get see how things are going over time.
By using the digital assistants you can also provide proactive help, for example: an relaxation exercise the person can open when feeling anxiety.
RoutineFactory is adaptable to the situation and needs for a person with special needs. Just try it out!
It is easy to get started:
- Register an account on routinefactory.com
- Install the RoutineFactory app on an iPhone, iPad, Android device
You can test for free for 14 days, no obligations or commitment.
Are you an organization? We offer a special account for professionals utilizing the app to guide clients. Please contact us for more information.