How does it work?

So what can you do with the RoutineFactory website and app?

In short: support a person who needs help with day-to-day tasks; at exactly the moment it is needed with a personal plan.

Personal interactive plans

Use the RoutineFactory website to create interactive plans; personally tailored for a specific person.

With colors, images, photos and instructions you can offer as much detail and recognizability as is needed for a specific person.

These activities can be combined and shown a specific moment of the day; weekday; date or even location!

You only have to add regular activities once; and just let them repeat daily or weekly.

We will show you some examples of what you can do with these interactive plans.

Reduce stress and increase independence

Often tasks keep recurring; for some people it is hard to keep track off and it can be frustrating and time consuming for a parent or supervisor to keep reminding.

Use images and colors for recognizability; countdown timer help to manage time. Also add instruction text, video’s, links to website, and more!

With RoutineFactory you can let the tasks and reminders automatically popup on the phone. The app will keep reminding until it is seen.

Make complex actions easy

With the RoutineFactory app on a phone and printed QR codes or special NFC stickers (we can help you get those) you can offer interactive instructions!

Once set-up; this is super easy to use: just scan the code or hold your phone close to the NFC sticker and a list of clear instructions pop-up on the screen.

For example: hold your phone close to the washing machine and you immediately see instructions on how to use it.

In this way a person can request help on demand and thus have to depend less on external supervisor for i.e common household activities.

Power of a positive reinforcement system

Did you know you can also setup a positive reinforcement system directly in RoutineFactory? This can greatly help with keeping a person motivated to stick with the daily routine.

It works by collecting points when completing tasks; the points can later be redeemed for (small) rewards. The rewards can be added to the system by yourself.

A positive reward system can be very effective for children, but it also works with adults.

Read more about the positive reward system

Support on location

Sometimes showing lots of different reminders; tasks and instructions all at the same time can be confusing!

Use locations to show what is important for a specific place: for example only show work related activities when a person is physically at his or her workplace!

Or have the app show a fallback instruction when at the supermarket but confused on what to do.

Keep track of progress

Having a personal plan which helps with the daily routine and day-to-day tasks is great, but you also want to keep track of progress. This can also be very motivating.

In RoutineFactory everything that happens is collected in a clear timeline. Here you can see which tasks where completed on time, where more help is needed and eventual obstacles.

This can also be used as a daily journal, to keep track of things that went well and things where more help is needed.

In this way you can also provide remote support!

Why not test it yourself?

We think that the combination of easy to understand instructions paired with the always availability of a smartphone can be a powerfull and personal aid. So why not test it yourself? We very much like to hear your expieriences!

Try it out yourself for free; without any obligations. Start here »