Linking an assistant to a NFC sticker

Carrying out a task independently may be best done with a step-by-step guide, checklist, and other activities.
For example, using step-by-step instructions when performing a household chore.

The RoutineFactory app on your phone paired with the assistants and an NFC sticker makes the process very user-friendly!

Turn the phone on and move it over the NFC sticker, you will immediately see a digital assistant with clear instructions for a task or action at that physical location.

This way you have quick access to the right instructions.

What is an NFC sticker?

An NFC sticker is a small plastic or paper label with a special chip. When you move the phone (or device) close to the sticker, it will recognize the NFC chip and then show something on the screen.

NFC stickers can easily be ordered online, if you have any questions before buying please send us a message. We're more than happy to help!

The stickers can be used again and again by re-programming them.

Are all phones and tablets suitable for NFC?

NFC is a fairly new technique and also requires a relatively modern device.

Is your phone suitable? Check in the settings menu whether you can enable NFC or look at the specifications of your phone.

We can also assist you with this, please contact [contact us] (mailto:

Linking an NFC sticker to a helper

To start using an NFC sticker you need to link it to a specific digital assistant.

You can do this from the settings menu in the app; directly on the phone itself. Select "Link NFC to the assistant", select an assistant and hold the phone over an NFC tag to program it.

Still having questions? Contact us, we are happy to assist.